Forum Discussion

dhiraj_gophane's avatar
12 years ago

Search all messages based on a Tag

Hi all,

I need a rest API to fetch all the messages in a board having a particular "TAG".

if TAG = "Rest Api"

response should contain all messages in which "Rest Api" is used as a Tag.

5 Replies

  • Hi,

    This feature seems a bit... well hidden indeed. You can find it only via the REST API's search result preview but not the actual documentation results ;)


    Basically you simply add the tagging filter "/tagging/for/tags/text/<tag_string>" to your REST API call like this:



    Further reading:


    Hope this helps

  • dhiraj_gophane's avatar
    12 years ago
    Hi Claudius,
    This works for single tag.
    what if I want to filter messages of more than one tags.

    E.g. I want to filter messages having "tag1" or "tag2" or "tag3" or any combination of selected Tags.
  • HaidongG's avatar
    Lithium Alumni (Retired)
    12 years ago

    Hi dhiraj_gophane


    may you try this?



    is_root means topics only, no replies, if you want the reply, it will like




    I hope that it can help you.



    Best Regards



     btw: if your tag contains space, you will need to use something like




    we are searching for topics with tag="test space" in the above example.




  • dhiraj_gophane's avatar
    12 years ago
    I'm using same Rest API.
    but for some tags it fetches messages which do not include that Tag.

    E.g. /restapi/vc/boards/id/blogger/search/messages?q=is_root:true%20AND%20tags:(Activity)

    where, Activity is a Tag.

    Is there any other way to fetch these messages by passing tag list?
  • HaidongG's avatar
    Lithium Alumni (Retired)
    12 years ago

    hi dhiraj_gophane,


    can you give exact messages which don't have the tags but got picked up by the REST API call? it sounds a bug for me. you may want to fill a ticket with Lithium Support.


    Best Regards
