Search only ideas and not posts using restapi
I want to search the ideas from Idea Exchange which I have been able to do it
BUT the seach api also return the post made on "Change Status" in idea exchange.
I am using the following rest api call and it gives the posts as well
In short, I want to implement similar to the default autocomplete search available for Idea Exchange.
Suggest me the appropriate REST API call.
If you add "is_root:true" to your search query, you should be able to just get the root messages (the original idea post) instead of the comments. For example:
Unfortunately I believe you'll have to include it as part of the q parameter. If you're dealing with an unencoded parameter value and the encoding happens downstream, I'd suggest you try taking out the "+" characters to avoid those being considered part of the query itself. For example: "SEARCHTEXT AND is_root:true"
If that doesn't help, would it be possible for you to share a snippet of what's not working for you?