Forum Discussion

etisson's avatar
3 years ago

set default searchGranularity

Hi all,

I was looking to set the search granularity default option to search only in TKB when the knowledge base was selected. 

I came up with this code and added this to a custom component. The custom component was added to the category_page.



<#-- Sets the default search for knowledge center and TKB -->

<#-- the will differ in your env. This is the id of nodes you wish to add this code to -->
<#if == "<your node id>"> 
    ; (function ($) {
      $("#searchGranularity").val("<value you want to select>|category").change();

<#-- the will differ in your env. This is the id of the nodes you wish to add this code to -->
<#if == "<your node id>">
    ; (function ($) {
      $("#searchGranularity").val("<value you want to select>|tkb").change();




Feel free to add comments and improvemetns. 

If you like this, kudos are alwayse nice!

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