Forum Discussion

mdfw's avatar
2 years ago

Set the visitor UI language automatically


  1. Our instance supports 8 different languages for the user interface.
  2. Our CDN/Reverse Proxy detects a user's location and can set a user's language based on that. It will, at a minimum, set a cookie.
  3. In the past, in the page.init, we would detect if the cookie language was different than the session language and and return a redirect while adding the "?profile.language=xx" parameter. Unfortunately, this caused significant delays for users in China because of the extra round trip.
  4. Currently our CDN/reverse proxy rewrites all URLs as they pass through, adding the profile.language parameter to *every* page load. This causes some odd side-effects, especially in the admin panel. It's also very challenging to debug when something is off.


Does anyone know the recommended approach to making sure that a user (including anonymous users) gets the Khoros page UI in their translated language? Our CDN/reverse proxy does place a cookie that we can read or it could deliver a special header. I imagine we could read this in page.init, but I don't see anywhere in the docs where we can tell the session to switch languages. 

This all gives hints:

Other related threads I have read:




  • IanKl's avatar
    Khoros Alumni (Retired)

    It's a little harder to implement automatically, but you could probably more easily do a dropdown that sets a registered user's preference, but to persist an anonymous user's preferences, you'd have to get Khoros support to turn on 

    enable.PersistentAnonymousUserSettings = true

    in your config.js file.  

    If you want to get a parameter from the url, since your CDN/rp rewrites everything, you can use

     to get the url and use the freemarker ?index_of to find what you're looking for in the string, 

    for example, though a bit messy because it's in longhand, it'll work:


    <#assign myUrl = ""/>
    <#assign myLangStart = myUrl?index_of("my/lang/cues/") />
    <#assign myLangEnd = myLangStart+1 />
    <#assign myLang = myUrl[myLangStart..myLangEnd] />
    myUrl: ${myUrl}
    myLangStart; ${myLangStart}
    myLangEnd: ${myLangEnd}
    myLang: ${myLang}



    And then set the language via modifying the user setting through the API. I'll find the link for you tomorrow. 

  • IanKl's avatar
    Khoros Alumni (Retired)

    Ok, final answer, I believe, you need the following to set the user profile lanugage:

    <#assign userLang = "fr" /> <#-- or whatever you want it to be -->
    <#assign resp = restadmin("/users/id/${}/settings/name/profile.language/set?value=" + userLang?url)/>

     Unfortunately, the documentation for setting the profile.language (or really, any setting) does not include the critical last part of the correct API call,[user_id]/settings/name/[setting_name]/set?value=[language_id]?url  

    or, for example, 

    where?url indicates that it should be url encoded.

    Ok, hope that all answers your question enough for you to get a working solution. If not, mdfw just tag me here and I'll try to help some more 

    - Ian

  • A little excerpt from the code docs of my own Khoros framework as we are dealing with multilanguage communities every day:


    The cookie interesting to us regarding language logic is `lia.anon.profile.language` which stores the community-wide language setting for anonymous users and is set and changed whenever the URL parameter `?profile.language=<lang>` is provided, although
    this only happens when the ancient config `enable.PersistentAnonymousUserSettings = true` is set (has to be requested from support, not true by default!). This automatically
    set cookie is a common source of issues, as the cookie is only written when a user is NOT logged in! We can take care of that by updating the cookie manually right after the language is set via REST API for an authenticated user.
    A custom cookie + attributes can be created and set in the page init script like follows:
    	<#assign cookie = http.request.createCookie('<cookiename>', '<cookievalue>') />
    	${cookie.setValue('your cookie value')}
    	${cookie.setComment('Describes what this cookie does')}
    and be checked with `${'<cookiename>')}`.



    Key takeaway here is to use that cookie lia.anon.profile.language and use it as the main source of "language-truth" AND keep it updated when a user is logged in and changes languages. Keeping it up-to-date is also important to KEEP the logged-in language when a user logs out, because if the logged-in language differs from the value of the cookie, the user will experience a "nice" language switch when logging out 😉

  • IanKl's avatar
    Khoros Alumni (Retired)

    Good question. I've done something like this before on another community, but I'm not sure if it would be considered "best practice." I have a question out to my peers about this and I'll be back soon with a better answer. I'm looking into this.

  • IanKl's avatar
    Khoros Alumni (Retired)

    On this page, there is a url param that supposedly changes the profile language, though I haven't so far been able to get it to work on the sites I tested.

    • Add ?profile.language=KEY as a parameter to any URL in your community (where KEY is the language code listed on the page above).

    Would you give this a shot on your community to see if it works? 

  • IanKl's avatar
    Khoros Alumni (Retired)

    Good question mdfw  I was hoping the ?profile.language=xx hack would solve that but I have not seen it work on a Community yet. Did it work on yours?

    In the meantime I will look into whether we can change a setting like that for a default user and get back to you. 

    • mdfw's avatar

      It's interesting IanKl - I swear the profile.language worked before as we signed off on the current implementation but just had a colleague in Costa Rica test it and it didn't work. So, I may have 2 problems now. 🙂 I'll get some more tests done to see if we can narrow it down.

      Regardless, I'd like replace it with something, just don't know what that something is.

      • IanKl's avatar
        Khoros Alumni (Retired)

        Make sure the folks in Costa Rica are logged out before trying the



        What luk added also looks very helpful. 

        How are things coming along with this?

  • IanKl's avatar
    Khoros Alumni (Retired)

    Ok, mdfw (for example) does work on your community, and according to everything I can find, the only way to set a language for an anonymous user is by setting this url parameter. 

    So I would use the combination of tricks I mentioned above (probably starting with a cookie) to let the community know to change the language in the url for this user. As far as I can tell so far, that's your only option for anonymous users. 

    So, on load just check if there's a cookie with the languageValue value, if so, something like (pseudocode, use whatever cookie code style you prefer😞

    if(cookie exists with value = langaugeValue){
      window.location = yoururl + "?profile.language="+languageValue

    if not drop a cookie for next time

    set a cookie = "languageValue=XX; expires=whatever date; path=/";