Setting styles to an isolated link
Hello all,
I have a small problem in trying to style an isolated link from the HTML that Lithium produces for one of our forums.
When you try and view a question that somebody has posted to a Q&A section, there is a link that says 'View Entire Topic’ in between the question box and the list of potential answer boxes. This is not a general post, this is a post that is specifically for questions and answers.
The HTML it produces is:
<div class="lia-quilt-column-alley lia-quilt-column-alley-left">
<div class="lia-menu-bar top-block lia-component-menu-bar">
Tweet Question & Topic Options
<div class="tweet-form">
Tweet Form
<div class="lia-message-view lia-component-question">
Question Post Contents
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<a class="lia-link-navigation">View Entire Topic</a>
<div class="lia-message-view lia-component-answer-list">
Answer Post Contents
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You could argue that I use the .lia-link-navigation on the link I want to style but this would be possible as that same class name is being shared across other elements on the page that I don't really want to be affected with the styles that I want to apply. On top of that, it is not in a parent div or use a unique class of it's own that I could use to isolate it.
Any advice anyone colud offer would be great.