Forum Discussion

prashanthkavya's avatar
7 years ago

show only floated messages from the message list

Hi,  I want to find floated_messages for the post. i tried using the query for the same out not able to get through. I am also pasting the code that I have used.. Pls help. i am looping the message ...
  • saikumarn's avatar
    7 years ago

    Hi prashanthkavya,

    you missed the double quotes in floated_messages api and used plus symbols around . May below code will help.


    <#assign x= rest("2.0","/search?q=" + "SELECT * FROM messages where labels.text= 'featured' ORDER BY post_time DESC LIMIT 4"?url) />
    <#list as message1>
    <li class="loop">
    <div class="list_txt">
    <span><a href="${message1.view_href}">${message1.subject}</a></span>
    <p>by <span style="background-color:#ac208d; color:#fff; padding:0px 5px">Admin</span> <a href="${}" class="black_font">${}</a></p>
    <div class="lc_sec">
    <span class="count_nmbr">
    <#assign kudos_q= rest("2.0","/search?q=" + "${message1.kudos.query}"?url) />
    <div class="c_o">
    <span class="count_nmbr">
    <#assign replies_q= rest("2.0","/search?q=" + "${message1.replies.query}"?url) />
    <div class="p_o">
    <#assign float_topics_q= rest("2.0","/search?q=" + "SELECT * FROM floated_messages WHERE = '${}' AND scope='user'"?url) />
    <#list as float>

  • prashanthkavya's avatar
    7 years ago

    Thanks Saikumarn This works