Some questions about endpoint and freemarker.
I'm Tapatalk TomWu.We are developing plugin for lithium.We have some questions for the usage of endpoint and freemarker in lithium.
1.our app need communicate with forum site through xmlrpc protocol,so my question is:whether or not lithium and(or) endpoint directly support xmlrpc protocol?
If not,is that means we have to implement a proxy to communicate with endpoint and convert the data to our app needed xmlrpc data?
2.whether or not the freemarker in lithium can recieve the json data through lithium rest api,and convert the data to any we needed json or xml data to our app or other client?Any code example or guiding would be great.
And I have posted a topic about it: to make json or xml data through freemarker?Is there any matters need attention or skill for it?Any code example or guiding would be great.
4.whether or not endpoint and(or) freemarker is useful enough to implement the all or the most features on lithium sites?Including read feature,login,writing topic/post with correct user right,etc?
5.we are curious with the methods to call rest api.
We found there is a method called "rest(restApiUrl)" can get data through rest api with a relative rest api url in the document:
We found another way to call rest api using the http.client object in the following document,it needs a full rest api url to call:
So the question is:
The two methods,rest(restApiUrl) and http.client,which one should be more useful or high-performance to condense REST API Requests with I previously said proxy mode or other ordinary mode?What is the differentia between them?How should we choose?
Especially we need the best high-performance to be implemented for our requirement,since we have done some test to get data only through rest api in proxy mode,our proxy need call rest api many many times to implement our only one method,it is too slow to respond.