Forum Discussion

tripp-bishop's avatar
11 years ago

sorting REST call

Hi guys,   I'm trying to find out if/how I can sort the following REST call: /blogs/id/myblog/topics?page=1&page_size=50&restapi.response_style=view   I've tried adding the following query par...
  • samudhraa's avatar
    11 years ago

    Hi tripp-bishop ,


    I think the below REST call might help you.




    It searches for messages that are topics(root messages) within your blog and sorts them by date. I believe the date is in chronological order. 

    As a side note , If you need it in reverse chronological order , change the sort_by parameter to "sort_by=-date" . 

    PS : I have found sort_by parameter to work , usually with search calls .


    Hope that helps.


