Forum Discussion

Inactive User's avatar
Inactive User
12 years ago

Specific Post Notification on Q&A board

I need to display a custom message on the Post Success page for a Q&A board within our community. I've tried messing with text keys but can't seem to find the exact one needed to only have the message display on only this section.



I tried doing something like:

' = Custom message here' or

' = Custom message here' 

but that didn't seem to work.


Any advice?

  • Inactive User's avatar
    Inactive User

    Just an update...


    Ended up doing something similar to this:


    <#assign coreNodeId = "QAboardId" />
    <#assign message = "<div class='lia-text'><p>New Custom Message</p></div>" />


    <#if == coreNodeId>
    <#foreach result in activity.results>