kaiwangContributor13 years agoSSO token Can you tell more details about how to reate the SSO token for the REST API user using the LithiumSSOClient class? Show More
JasonLLithium Alumni (Retired)13 years agoHi Kaiwang, Maybe take a look this: http://lithosphere.lithium.com/t5/developers-knowledge-base/Using-the-REST-API-with-SSO-credentials/ta-p/8415 Hopefully that clarifies --Jason
JasonLLithium Alumni (Retired) to JasonL13 years agoas for how to create the token, its per this http://lithosphere.lithium.com/t5/customer-connection-knowledge/Figuring-out-how-Lithium-Single-Sign-On-SSO-works-in-general/ta-p/6818 basically pass-in the unique-ID (aka SSO-ID), login name, email to the API --Jason
JasonLLithium Alumni (Retired) to JasonL13 years agoas for how to create the token, its per this http://lithosphere.lithium.com/t5/customer-connection-knowledge/Figuring-out-how-Lithium-Single-Sign-On-SSO-works-in-general/ta-p/6818 basically pass-in the unique-ID (aka SSO-ID), login name, email to the API --Jason
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