Forum Discussion

Han's avatar
7 years ago

Standalone Registration Modal

We are using the login modal on our community and within this you can open the registration modal. However, we would like to seperate these so it's clearer for the user to to open either the "Login" or the "Register" modal from the community page. 

Any ideas on how to get the "user-registration-form" to display without having to click through the login modal? 

  • We have found a solution, posting here incase anyone else anyone else has the same problem.

    There is an existing component called  "common.widget.user-navigation-combine", which has all the functionality we needed. It was as simple as updating the page quilt :smileyhappy:

  • Han

    You can create a new button for the registration link like we did here You just need to link it with the user registration page using href= "/t5/user/userregistrationpage"

    Here is the element 

    <a class="lia-link-navigation registration-link lia-component-users-action-registration" rel="nofollow" href="/t5/user/userregistrationpage?">
    	<span class="link-label register detailed">Create an Account to Participate</span>


    • Han's avatar

      VikasB I still would like to make the registration open in a modal. Do you know how we could do this? 

      • snaffle's avatar

        Hi VikasB,


        Just further to Han's last comment, what we're trying to do is still have the login/registration load in the modal popup but have it display the Registration page initally, rather than the Login page.


        Any ideas how we might go about doing that?



