Forum Discussion

peterlu's avatar
10 years ago

Studio - Text Editor - Problem

Hi All,


We all know that we can scope the text key in studio text editor like this:

key@device:desktop =
key@page:BlogPage =
key@component:blogs.widget.latest-comments =
key@place:blog =
key@message:root =
key@message:reply =
key@replyType:comment =
key@replyType:answer =


Can we scope a key to a skin?

Real use case:

My client has 3 skins on their community for different nodes(categories). Skin A for top community, Skin B for category B, Skin C for category C.

They want to change text "Label" in skin A blogs to "Category". But in Skin B, they want to call it "Topic". In Skin C, they want to keep it "Label".


Is there a syntax for skin?

eg. key@skin:SkinA  or key@node:categoryB

