Forum Discussion

appslevine's avatar
12 years ago

Text cuts off with ellipsis in anchor tag

In the editor using custom HTML, when I put a div/heading/paragraph inside an anchor tag, lithium for some reason cuts off the text at a certain point and inserts ellipsis. Is there someway to turn this off?

5 Replies

  • Found this, may help: 


    "It's because anchors are as standard, inline elements. Adding display:inline-block will make the above code work."

  • appslevine's avatar
    12 years ago
    This does not work. I changed both elements to inline block elements, and only one or the other. None of the options work. This is my code:

    <a href="">
    <div class="inside">
    Long line of text blah blah blah.
  • There is a limit to the length of HTML between anchor tags. Hitting this limit will auto-crop the innerHTML of the <a>-tag. So adding any additional HTML inside just makes things worse.


    I'm neither aware of the exact value of this length as well as any way to change that value. Lithium support can probably help here.


  • Fellsteruk's avatar
    12 years ago

    It was basically suggesting you modify the CSS your using to change the ellipsis behaviour, Not sure it works on all browsers...? 


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