Forum Discussion
Maybe users.widget.about-me. Here's a screenshot of my View Profile Page.
Here's the layout xml:
<quilt layout="two-column.main-side" extends="Common">
<add to="common-header">
<component id="view-profile-banner"/>
<add to="main-content">
<component id="users.widget.about-me"/>
<component id="forums.widget.recent-messages"/>
<component id=""/>
<component id=""/>
<component id=""/>
<component id="kudos.widget.messages-recently-kudoed-by-user"/>
<component id="tkb.widget.user-contributed-articles"/>
<component id=""/>
<component id=""/>
<component id="users.widget.moderator-controls"/>
<add to="side-content">
<component id="users.widget.unsaved-drafts"/>
<component id=""/>
<component id=""/>
<component id=""/>
<component id=""/>
<component id=""/>
<component id=""/>
<component id=""/>
<component id=""/>
<component id="users.widget.manage_roles"/>
- SuneR15 years agoGuide
Its actually the view-profile-banner widget in the common-header part of the page I was looking for. I have looked in all the component groups, but havent found anything to insert.
But I take it I can just copy paste
<component id="view-profile-banner"/>
into the XML directly to have it back
- davidtwamley15 years agoExpert
Yup, that should work. When I was playing with it, it seems like you have to edit the xml, then switch back to the canvas view, then save, for the change to stick.
- peterlu12 years agoChampion
I found this:
<component id="view-profile-banner" mode="default"/>
What is the possible values for "mode" parameter? And what does it mean?
- Claudius10 years agoBoss
peterlu wrote:
I found this:
<component id="view-profile-banner" mode="default"/>
What is the possible values for "mode" parameter? And what does it mean?
I'm curious about this as well since I would like a more immersive profile header with a larger profile avatar. Anyone knows more about the mode-parameter nowadays?
Updated: Found a references to a mode quilt parameter, but they only reference slim and wide which don't have any effect on this component :(
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