Forum Discussion

SherryQ's avatar
Lithium Alumni (Retired)
13 years ago

The Lithium iOS Library is now available...

If you’re a developer, you can now use rich functions available in Lithium’s iOS Library to connect to Lithium communities. This means you can create and enhance iPhone and iPad apps with Lithium community interactions, providing community access for users on the go.


With the Lithium iOS Library, you can make the following community actions accessible:

  • View Forum Categories, Boards, Topics, and Posts
  • Manage Topic Bookmarks for users
  • Access User Profiles
  • Include Search capability for text in the community
  • Create, reply, kudo,  and solve posts


To access the Lithium iOS Library, just review and agree to the terms, download the iOS Library files, and you’re ready to get started.  Documentation is included in the application files.  If you have questions or want to share your ideas with other developers, just post to the Developer board in Developer Nation.

Click here to agree to terms and download the iOS Library.


And here’s more information that you’ll need after you download the iOS Library:

The zip contains these files:

  • libLIA_API.a: The library you need to import into your project
  • LIA_API.h: Required header file containing and explaining the LIA API functions
  • Board.h, Category.h, ForumNode.h, Message.h, Thread.h, User.h: Required model object header files used by the Lithium iOS Library. They contain and explain the model object interfaces.

To integrate the Lithium iOS Library with your application:

  1. Add the libLIA_API.a library to your frameworks folder under your project tree in Xcode
  2. Add all the header files to your project
  3. Read through all of the header files (especially the SETUP section in LIA_API.h) to become familiar with all of the functions and model objects at your disposal
  4. Make sure to add a call to the connectTo function in LIA_API.h at application startup


  • Hi


    The binary file (libLIA_API.a) cannot be built for architectures other than armv7. This means that we cannot use this in the Simulator or even on iPhone 3Gs. Could you please provide us a binary that in the least can be used with Simulator?


    Also, the naming convention for files, for instance User.h, need to have a prefix because using generic names like User or Category has potential to conflict with other libraries (as has happened to us).  Please append a prefix for the filenames for instance LIA_User.h


    Would these changes be possible in the short run?







    • asbhatia's avatar



      I have another request please. Currently errors are handled by delegating a view to the LIA_API object. This results in a UIAlert being generated by the Lithium framework.  It would be better to pass back NSError objects via the delegate.


      In our application, we use a custom notification view for displaying errors so the UIAlertView does not work. There could also be instances where we do not wish to notify the user of an error as we could wish to silently fail. Would it be possible to include the usage of NSErrors in your framework please?





      • JeffPo's avatar
        Lithium Alumni (Retired)

        Hi Ash,


        For the NSErrors request, we don't have standard error codes to provide; so at best, you'd have an NSError object with a localized error string inside its userData hashmap. Does it make sense to just send back the error string in this case? Or do you still want it wrapped in an NSError object?



  • very slightly off topic... but will there be something similar for Android?
  • bhn's avatar

    Good news,

    is there an Android version planned ?

    • YumioS's avatar
      Lithium Alumni (Retired)

      We are planning an Android version, but we don't yet have a date for it.  Will update this board once we know. 

    • Custa1200's avatar

      Has there been any updates on the iOS version or work on an Android version of the SDK?

      • VincentB's avatar
        Lithium Alumni (Retired)
        There has not. We've decided to strategically put more of our resources on crafting a brand new mobile web solution, and with that adding to our public api pool so and indirectly support better native development for now.

        There are plans to update the iOS library, in addition to creating other; however, just much later in the product release cycle
  • Looking through the embedded documentation of the iOS code downloaded there is also mention of it not working with ARC which will be a problem with iOS moving forward.