jloyless wrote:
Would either of these allow a moderator to change a thread subject? We have some very... creative members in our forum, and they can be quite colorful!
The original examples would hide it for all users. With a little freemarker, you could exclude certain roles if you wanted. For example, with the Idea #2 above, you could do something like:
<#if page.name?lower_case == "replypage" >
<#assign user_has_role = false />
<#list restadmin("/users/id/${user.id?c}/roles").roles.role as role>
<#if role.name?? && (role.name == "Moderator" || role.name == "Administrator")>
<#assign user_has_role = true />
<#if user_has_role >
<#-- do nothing -->
jQuery(document).ready(function() {
jQuery('#lia-body.ReplyPage .lia-content .lia-form-subject-entry input').attr('disabled','disabled');
Again, I highly recommend testing this out in your staging environment first.