Forum Discussion

ncharan511's avatar
6 months ago

TinyMceEditor is undefined

Hi, I have a simple custom component:

<form id="pmUpdateForm">
<textarea rows="" cols="" id="pmUpdate"></textarea>
;(function($) {
$(document).ready(function() {
selector: 'textarea#pmUpdate',
height: 150,
menubar: false,
plugins : "paste",
paste_text_sticky : true,
setup : function(ed) {
ed.pasteAsPlainText = true;
})(LITHIUM.jQuery, LITHIUM.TinyMceEditor);
I added the above component into one of the quilts.
After the SDK push I always see
Uncaught ReferenceError: tinymce is not defined error. I know why this error occurs but w.r.t Khoros, I am not able to figure out where to look. There is no official documentation about tinyMceEditor in atlas on how to use it.

1 Reply

  • MattV's avatar
    Khoros Staff
    5 months ago

    TinyMCE is only available on pages that include an Editor out of the box. 

    Also, I've found trying to repurpose it is a nice long ride on the struggle bus. It doesn't help that Classic is on TinyMCE v4, whose docs have been removed from the TinyMCE website.