3 years agoLeader
TIP: Replace "Community Settings" tab text with something sensible.
Kudos to luk for posting this hack in the comments section of the idea: Put the flipping Page Name in the HTML Title.
Today I'll show you how to turn this tab title text taradiddle:
into this:
Yes, we can have nice things... so long as we make them ourselves. 🔥😅 Steps:
- Install the User Javascript & CSS Chrome extension
- Configure: URL pattern: *community.[your_domain].com/t5/bizapps*
- Configure: ✓ JavaScript, ✓ jQuery 3
- Paste in the code below:
function emojiFavIcon(emoji){
// create a new favicon element
var favicon = document.createElement('canvas');
favicon.height = 64;
favicon.width = 64;
// draw the emoji on the canvas
var ctx = favicon.getContext('2d');
ctx.font = '64px serif';
ctx.fillText(emoji, 0, 52);
// create a new link element for the favicon
var newFavicon = document.createElement('link');
newFavicon.rel = 'shortcut icon';
newFavicon.type = 'image/x-icon';
newFavicon.href = favicon.toDataURL('image/x-icon');
// replace the old favicon with the new one
var oldFavicon = document.querySelector('link[rel="shortcut icon"]');
if (oldFavicon) {
if ( $('body').hasClass('BizAppsPage') ) {
const parts = new Set();
$('.lia-tabs-active:not(:first)').each(function() {
// for SCSS COMMON/xyz.scss
$('.lia-studio-sass-editable .lia-tree-node-sass .lia-tree-action-root.lia-component-common-widget-link:has(+ul li.lia-list-tree-selected)').each(function() {
let tex = $(this).text().trim();
if (tex != "sass"){
parts.add($(this).text().trim().substring(0, 4) + '/');
// for SCSS common/XYZ.SCSS
$('.lia-studio-sass-editable .lia-tree-action-root.lia-component-common-widget-link+ul li.lia-list-tree-selected').each(function() {
let nTT = [].join(' - ');
// Studio pages get a gear by default.
if (nTT.startsWith("Studio - ")) {
nTT = nTT.replace('Studio - ','');
// Style pages get a paint palette by default
if (nTT.startsWith("Community Style")) {
nTT = nTT.replace('Community Style - ','');
// clean up the CSS path bits
nTT = nTT.replace('CSS - ','');
nTT = nTT.replace('/ - ','/');
if (nTT.startsWith("Text Editor")) {
nTT = nTT.replace('Text Editor - ','');
// Admin pages get a briefcase by default
if (nTT.startsWith("Admin - ")) {
nTT = nTT.replace('Admin - ','');
nTT = nTT.replace('Display - ','');
// to avoid removing "Content - " from "Custom Content - ""
if (nTT.startsWith("Content - ")) {
nTT = nTT.replace('Content - ','');
// red hair emoji reminds me of a Guess Who? character
if (nTT.startsWith("Users - ")) {
nTT = nTT.replace('Users - ','');
if (nTT.startsWith("Metrics")) {
nTT = nTT.replace('Metrics - ','');
The above code:
- Replaces the fav-icon with
- 💼Default for Admin
- ⚙️Default for Studio
- 👨 Users
- 📈Metrics
- 📝Text Editor
- Replaces the tab text w/ helpful tab text.
Look, I'm not gonna say it's optimized (it's not), but it seems safe enough and it's been working for me without any hiccups. Anecdotal win!
Here's what my settings look like:
Also, see luk's comments here for a slightly different way that checks for LITHIUM.jQuery. For some reason didn't work for me but gave me the essence I needed to get rolling with the above code.
If you make any share-worthy improvements, leave them in the comments below!