13 years agoBoss
TKB hot articles custom component (code inside)
Thanks to quite some help here on the Developer Forums (thanks again to the Lithium h4x0rs) in the past two weeks I created this nice little custom component that shows you a configurable ( number_of_articles parameter in the first line) number for popular TKB articles in the Knowledge Base associated with the currently shown board. It helps surfacing the great knowledge in TKBs in a "Sticky post" like manner.
The presentation looks like the board topic view and if you add it to the Forum Page layout it looks like this:
Here's the code:
<#assign number_of_articles = 2> <#assign hot_article_kudo_treshold = 10> <#assign tkb_present = rest("/boards/id/${}/tkb/realized").value?eval /> <#if tkb_present> <#assign articlecount = rest("/boards/id/${}%40tkb/messages/count").value?number /> <#if (articlecount > 0)> <table class="lia-list-wide"> <thead> <tr> <th scope="col" class="messageStatusIconColumn lia-data-cell-tertiary lia-data-cell-icon t-first"/> <th scope="col" class="threadSubjectColumn lia-data-cell-primary lia-data-cell-text"> Knowledge Base Article </th> <th scope="col" class="viewCountColumn lia-data-cell-secondary lia-data-cell-integer"> Views </th> <th scope="col" class="kudosCountColumn lia-data-cell-secondary lia-data-cell-integer"> Kudos </th> <th scope="col" class="latestPostDateColumn lia-data-cell-secondary lia-data-cell-date"> Last Updated </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <#assign popular = rest("/boards/id/${}%40tkb/threads/popular?page_size=${number_of_articles}&restapi.response_style=view").threads.thread /> <#list popular.messages.topic as message> <tr> <td colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="messageStatusIconColumn lia-data-cell-tertiary lia-data-cell-icon"> <img class="MessageStatusIcon" title="Knowledge Base Article" alt="Read full article after the link" src="<#if (message.kudos.count?number > hot_article_kudo_treshold)>${skin.images.icon_tkb_thread_hot.url}<#else>${skin.images.icon_tkb_thread.url}</#if>"/> </td> <td><a href="${message.@view_href}">${message.subject}</a></td> <td>${message.views.count}</td> <td>${message.kudos.count}</td> <td> <#if message.last_edit_time.@view_friendly_date = ""> ${message.last_edit_time.@view_date} <#else> ${message.last_edit_time.@view_friendly_date} </#if> </td> </tr> </#list> </tbody> </table> <p style="text-align: right"> <a href="${community.urls.tapestryPrefix}/${coreNode.title}-Knowledge-Base/tkb-p/${}@tkb">More Knowledge Base articles …</a> </p> </#if> </#if>