7 years agoLeader
Triggering a survey when a user accepts a solution
Hi, We're looking for a way to survey our customers once they accepted a solution on our community. The goal is to survey only the user that accepted the solution, right after clicking the button...
- 7 years ago
<div class="InfoMessage lia-panel-feedback-inline-safe"> <div class="lia-text"> <p ng-non-bindable="" tabindex="0" role="action-succeed">Success! This post is now an accepted solution.</p> </div> </div>
After page refreshes, you will see this success message. Simply use Lithium.jQuery to find the $('.lia-panel-feedback-inline-safe [role="action-succeed"]') and test if the text match "Success! This post is now an accepted solution.". Do not hard code this text, but use ${text.format("xxx")?js_string}
If it passes the test, then you can trigger the survey.
If it helps, a kudo :)