Forum Discussion
Hm, I feel like I've seen this before... message lists do get a little funny when you try to include more than one on a page, or include it in a custom component.
You might have a little bit better luck using the forums.widget.message-list-panel component instead.
- Akenefick2 years agoGenius
Is there any documentation anywhere on that forums.widget.message-list-panel
That sounds promising but I've never used it before.
- Akenefick2 years agoGenius
I looked at some examples from other posts and got the forums.widget.message-list-panel working, but it is missing a lot, like views, replies, avatar, and icons for solved etc. Also, I want to be able to do batch processing and the associated actions from the options menu. Maybe there is some way to configure this with all of that in mind, but it seems unlikely. So, I would prefer to be able to use the message-list if possible.
Thanks for all the help. I will keep playing with it but would appreciate any other suggestions.