Forum Discussion

jmurray's avatar
12 years ago

trying to get usernames to be colored by rank color in a module



So here's what I've got so far:



The problem with this^ is that my username is green.  It should be red, because I'm an admin.  Likewise, my Community Guides should be pink, etc.  So, I want my code to ask "what rank are you?" and then color the link accordingly.  This is proving to be more difficult than I had foreseen.


The code that makes all of this work (above the Top Topics part) is:

<#assign ranking = rest("/users/id/${}/ranking").ranking /> 
<#assign rank_name = />
<#if rank_name == "Administrator" || rank_name == "Community Manager">
<style> .rankcolor { a:link {color: #ff0000;} a:active {color: #ff0000;} a:visited {color: #ff0000;} a:hover {color: #ff0000;} } </style>

<#if user.anonymous == true> <u><h3>Have You Registered?</h3></u><p></p> <p style="margin:0px 0px 6px 0px;"> <center><a href="" target="_self"><img src="" border="0" alt="Register Now!" title="Register Now!" align="middle" /></center></p></a> </#if> <#if user.anonymous == false> <h3>It's nice to see you again, <a href="/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/${}" class=rankcolor>${user.login}</a>!</h3><p> <#assign is_emp = false /> <#list restadmin("/users/id/${}/roles").roles.role as role> <#if && ( == "Employee") || && ( == "Moderator") || && ( == "Administrator")> <#assign is_emp = true /> </#if> </#list> <#if is_emp = true> <br> It looks like you're a Webrooter! <br> <a href="this link goes to the employee forum">Join us on the employee forum!<br><img src="/html/assets/EmployeeForum.png" border="0" alt="Employee Forum" title="Employee Forum" align="middle" /></a> </#if> </#if>


You'll see there where I am trying to force the class "rankcolor" into my 'a' link.  So here's the thing about that^.  It doesn't work.  Lithium seems to override what I'm telling that link color to change to.  Firebug tells me this stuff here, from the main CSS, is forcing it to be green:

.lia-body .lia-content a, .lia-body .lia-content a:link, .lia-body .lia-content a:visited, .lia-body .lia-content a:hover, .lia-body .lia-content a:active, .lia-body .lia-content a:focus {
    color: #7A9C2C;
    text-decoration: none;


If I change .lia-stuff, it changes it everywhere.  I'd be happy to change it only for that module, but I'm not really sure how.  This may be a noobish question perhaps.


I'll deal with additional ranks with more ITE statements, but only once I get the link to change color for this one first.  I unfortunately don't see how to do that.  I'm missing something, and it's probably something simple.  I've tried pulling it out of the H3, and that doesn't help.  I tried adding the class to the h3, and that only turns all the words around the link red but not the link itself.  I stumbled across a "UserName" class referenced somewhere else and tried that too, hoping it was Lithium's shortcut to colorizing usernames properly, but it didn't appear so.


I hope all this code is helpful to people trying to do similar things.  Please give me a hand.  :)


(By the way, if the user is unregistered, it gives them a Register Now button instead...)



For posterity, this tkb and this tkb were really helpful to me in getting this far.

  • Hi,


    note that you can also use rest to get the rank color for the user and freemarker to get the user's profile page url:


    <#assign rank_display = rest("/users/login/${user.login}/ranking").ranking />
    <#assign rank_color = rank_display.display.color />
    <#if rank_color != "">
    	<#assign rank_color = "style=\"color:#${rank_color}\"" />
    <a class="lia-link-navigation lia-page-link lia-user-name-link" ${rank_color} target="_self" href="${user.webUi.url}">


4 Replies

  • YuriK's avatar
    Khoros Expert
    12 years ago

    Hey Jim,


    The Lithium selector for links is more specific and was taking precedence. Also for some reason your css formatting wasn't working.


    I was able to get it to work by using !important as follows:


    <style type="text/css"> 
    a:link.rankcolor  {color: #ff0000 !important;} 
    a:active.rankcolor  {color: #ff0000 !important;} 
    a:visited.rankcolor{color: #ff0000 !important;} 
    a:hover.rankcolor {color: #ff0000 !important;}   

     Hope this helps,



  • YuriK's avatar
    Khoros Expert
    12 years ago

    This is probably an even better way to do it. To avoid using !important.


    <style type="text/css"> 
    .lia-body .lia-content a, .lia-body .lia-content a:link.rankcolor  {color: #ff0000;} 
    .lia-body .lia-content a, .lia-body .lia-content a:active.rankcolor  {color: #ff0000;} 
    .lia-body .lia-content a, .lia-body .lia-content a:visited.rankcolor{color: #ff0000;} 
    .lia-body .lia-content a, .lia-body .lia-content a:hover.rankcolor {color: #ff0000;}   



  • ChiaraS's avatar
    Lithium Alumni (Retired)
    12 years ago



    note that you can also use rest to get the rank color for the user and freemarker to get the user's profile page url:


    <#assign rank_display = rest("/users/login/${user.login}/ranking").ranking />
    <#assign rank_color = rank_display.display.color />
    <#if rank_color != "">
    	<#assign rank_color = "style=\"color:#${rank_color}\"" />
    <a class="lia-link-navigation lia-page-link lia-user-name-link" ${rank_color} target="_self" href="${user.webUi.url}">


  • jmurray's avatar
    12 years ago

    Great replies. Thanks!


    I ended up going with Chiara's more elegant method.  I didn't know you could do that with rank colors.