Forum Discussion

dpradeep's avatar
3 years ago

Unable to publish the page in Development Server

I'm trying to publish some changes in Development Server but I'm not able to do that. I get the below error message when I tried publishing:

Please correct the errors and try again.
Skin didn't compile because there is a SASS compilation error: hpebsplitpeak/saas/skin.scss:16: file to import not found or unreadable: vendor/default-variables Current dir: hpebsplitspeak/saas

Below is the message I see when I check Versions Tab:

Studio publishing is disabled because no maintenance window information can be retrieved from the prod community. Please try again in a little while and contact your administrator if you need to publish right away or if the problem persists for longer than a few hours.

Can you please guide me on both the error messages?