Understanding conversation.last_posting_activity_time (Community APIv2)
Hi all,
Looking for some insight here and unfortunately the documentation merely describes this constraint not what it actually does.
First some history:
We extract allot of metrics from the community and push it into our own PowerBI dashboard, this makes it easier to compare category performance vs other categories, boards vs boards and share this content out with the stakeholders.
The SQL database behind this is getting a little unwieldy and so we are looking to make some optimizations.
Specifically we are looking for all depth 0 posts that have been posted or edited since we last exported the body of those posts.
Does anyone have any insight into what exactly results in updating of the value conversation.last_posting_activity_time?
When a post is first published, does conversation.last_posting_activity_time equal post_time?
Sorry if this is documented somewhere, I am not finding it.