Forum Discussion
9 years agoChampion
Hi irach15,
unfortunately, as nathan described in his former posts it is not possible to append a piece of content which is rendered by the @component notation.
For our case we find a solution which adds the pagination component via Freemarker. To handle the pagination we wrote some JavaScript which works with our component and community structure.
9 years agoMaven
actually, in my case I'm able to do it and it's possible ;-)
I'm adding one component inside another, both of them are custom components
<div> <div id="hottopics"></div> </div> <@liaAddScript> ;(function($){ // add another component var topics = $('#hottopics'); topics.append('<@component id="test-plug-to-js"></@component>'); console.log('i got through!'); })(LITHIUM.jQuery); </@liaAddScript>
the only trick is to strip-out white-spacing and line breaks in test-plug-to-js component.
Wrap your component in
<@compress single_line=true>...</@compress>
to get rid off line spacing
- cike9 years agoChampion
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