Forum Discussion

champagneja's avatar
11 years ago

User Settings Menu

I'm looking for an explanation of what each setting does within the user settings menu; is there some sort of guide for this? I'm a member on another website that has a Lithium forum, but there's no explanation there of what each setting does, or it's a very brief and vague description.

  • champagneja - Well, there doesn't seem to be any kind of documentation on this, but all of these are self explanatory to some extent.But below is just a quick go through with each setting option in the users settings menu. Before going through, just a note, some of these are the settings which otherwise are available in the topic options for each threads etc, and some are moderator settings, which are native to you.


    Personal Profile:

    • Username - Your user name, can't be changed unless the admin/ moderator does so.
    • Email - Your registered email, can be changed by you, but need to be verified if you need to participate in forums, everytime you change it.
    • Password - Password change tab.
    • Personal Information - Personal details, like first name, last name, title and signatures etc
    • IM Screen Names - Your IM screen names.
    • Auto Sign-in Options - 


    Preference Options:

    • Preference Options - Timezone, language etc. settings.
    • Display - Display settings for posts/ threads for linear or default display which is generally found under the topic options in the boards page. Date format type etc.
    • General - Mark posts as read, sorting etc.
    • Linear Layout - Threshold for number of posts in a page etc in linear layout.
    • Topic Layout - Threshold for number of posts in a page etc in topic layout.
    • Home Page - Number of items in the default lithium widgets such as "My Bookmarks", "Friends" etc
    • Privacy - Your privacy settings.
    • Private Messenger - Your inbox settings
    • Kudos - Kudos coponent and timerange of displaying kudos.



    • From the Community - Choose from default set of avatars
    • From Uploaded Images - Select from your uploaded images, requires Moderator approval.


    Tagging Options:

    • Tagging Options - Settings for the tags
    • Tags - Tags posted by you



    • Macros - Macros let you create boilerplate text that you can paste into any message with the click of a mouse.

      To set up a macro:

      1. Click My Settings and click the Macros tab.
        You can create up to nine macros.
      2. Type a name for the fist macro in the Macro 1 Title box.
        Make the name short, but memorable (you'll choose it by name from a menu).
      3. Type the text you want to be able to paste in the Macro 1 box.
        If your community allows HTML, you can use HTML tags in your macro.
      4. Enter names and text for your other macros.
      5. Click Save Changes.

      Note: If you want to have special text at the bottom of post, you can put that text in a signature instead of a macro.

      To use a macro when you post:

      1. Go to a Post page.
        The Macros menu is on the right side of the Post page toolbar. You can use a macro in any sort of post: a message, a reply, a comment, an idea, you name it.
      2. Click in the Subject or Body area where you want to paste the macro text.

        Tip: It's a good idea to keep your subjects short, though.

      3. Choose a macro in the Macros menu.
        That's all there is to it! The text of your macro appears wherever your cursor was.

    Subscriptions & Notifications:

    • My Subscriptions - All your community subscriptions
    • My Bookmarks - Your community bookmarks
    • Search Subscriptions - Search subscriptions
    • Notification Settings - Your Notifications settings
    • Email Format - Your email format preferences.


    Social Connect:

    • Facebook Connect - Setup facebook connect.
    • Twitter Settings - Connect twitter a/c and post tweets from community.
    • Profile Cards - Setup profile cards to show up additional details along with your avatar when you post, just like you can see below in my avatar.


    • Mobile Settings - Settings for mobile view, like signatures, landing page when you visit from mobile.