Forum Discussion

AbhishekIlindra's avatar
8 years ago

Username login issue.



when user attempt to register into the community.If they add a long name without using any underscore they get an error username name requires more then two characters. It is happening randomly for some users is there any admin settings available in the Community.



Abhishek Illindra

  • DougS's avatar
    Khoros Oracle

    Hi Abhishek,


    Registration will only allow logins with 2 or more characters. I'm not aware of an admin setting that will change this. If it's giving you that error when the login is longer that 2 characters, that sounds like a bug and I would recommend you file a support case -- please try to include as much information as you can about how to reproduce the problem, because support won't be able to get the bug fixed until they can reproduce it.

