10 years agoExpert
Using system components in custom components (FreeMarker)
I'm looking for a way to integrate a system component into a FreeMarker template.
I want to render a blog post into my template by using the system template Lithium is using (no REST call fetching the data), as well as its comments. Basically, I'm looking for something like this:
<#-- Rendering blog post with ID "blog-post-id" --> <@component id="blog_post" param=<blog-post-id> /> <#-- Rendering blog post comments for blog post with ID "blog-post-id" --> <@component id="blog_post_comments" param=<blog-post-id> />
I wasn't able to find a system template for these, so I made up the template names ("blog_post" and "blog_post_comments").
Thanks for your help