Forum Discussion

iftomkins's avatar
11 years ago

Version works on stage, but is broken on production

We just made a version live on production, only to discover that it was displaying incorrectly (all content smushed into one column on the right), so we quickly reverted.   We're now troubleshootin...
  • iftomkins's avatar
    11 years ago

    Thanks to you both. I checked http/https and resources loading. Turned out the issue was with a custom component where a variable didn't exist.


    <#if && ( == "Administrator" || == "Moderator" || == "Moderator2" || == "Analytics")>
           <#assign is_user_admin = true />


    <#if is_user_admin = true />

     <#-- do things -->



    It was fixed when I added this line above the first <#if> statement: 


     <#assign is_user_admin = false />