Forum Discussion
Lindsey You are correct. There are no class or id for css style. But maybe you can use custom JS to check which threaded message belongs to the current user, since every message has a username. The custom JS can then add some additional className to the message for your css to pickup and style.
- Lindsey5 years agoLeader
peterlu that is true, the only thing is if we use JS to do this it might flash from original to our custom styling for a second 😕 Maybe I will make this into a Khoros Idea post for them to add this class distinction.
- peterlu5 years agoChampion
Lindsey the flashing problem can be solved by a technique.
1. Use CSS to hide the messages block.
2. Apply custom JS to run and add classes
3. When custom JS is finished running, then use JS to unhide the messages block.
This way you won't see a flashing experience from original to custom.
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