Forum Discussion

jaread83's avatar
9 years ago

Way to identify if a user has participated in a thread

Is there a way to configure the board view to have some kind of icon or indicator to show that the reader has participated in a thread? When viewing the recent threads page you get an icon on the far left instead of the avatar and it can change between a grey speech bubble (default), red speech bubble (hot topic) or a speech bubble with an arrow (indicate you have particpated).


Is it possible to show some kind of icon or indicator for this on the board view (where you can see all the threads in a board) in a similar way to the recent threads page?


Many thanks

2 Replies

  • jaread83's avatar
    9 years ago
    I did not know I could customise the standard Lithium component for this without having to rewrite the component entirely. Is that what you are suggesting or is there a way to make a small change to the existing component?