Forum Discussion

shhouji's avatar
8 years ago

What is the LIQL Maximum response Limit ?

I am trying to use the LIQL api v2 to get the tags with respective a post.


I want to know what is the maximum number that we can pass to the 'limit' attribute. 

5 Replies

  • I succeeded on messages with
    - 1000 (2 sec )
    - 2000 ( 15 sec )
    - 5000 ( ~1 minute )


    Didnt test higher.. cause it would take to long for normal users anyway.
  • ClaudiusH's avatar
    Khoros Alumni (Retired)
    8 years ago

    Willem Do you know if this limit was every increased for your community?


    Because according to the LiQL documentation on the pagination parameters:

    The default page size allowed in LIMIT is 25. You can file a ticket with Lithium Support to change the default.


    Also: shhouji can you please specify what exactly you are looking for via the API? Are you looking to simply get the tags for a specific message? Or are you looking to get the list of tags for multiple messages?

    Because depending on what you are looking for there might be a lot of optimization potential for your LiQL query, e.g. by using GROUP BY etc.

  • Willem's avatar
    8 years ago
    ClaudiusH I dont know, but wouldnt be surprised if it is. When i joined the team there where already queries with custom limits.
  • shhouji's avatar
    8 years ago

    ClaudiusH we had an issue with the Rest API v1 when we were trying to fetch the tags if they were more than 1000. As we need to make multiple calls in order to get this details if the limit exceeds more than 1000 with v1.


    And i saw that we can get more details with LIQL with a single API request and my request here is what is the maximum number for the Limit that can be passed to the api. Is it 2000 or 5000 or more, i want to know what is the maximum count that i can use for the limit ?

  • ChiaraS's avatar
    Lithium Alumni (Retired)
    8 years ago

    shhouji the max value for LIMIT is 1000 as well. It's possible that bigger values were allowed in the past but they are not guaranteed to work. Also, depending on the amount of data you're requesting, you may want to lower down the LIMIT value to have a reasonable size for the response payload.