What permissions are needed for an API call that adds a role which has name spaces for another user
We need to update the user roles (a role which happens to also imply a badge) eg: ECMS 1,ECMS 2 which has name spaces to an user. we tried to do that as below but its showing error message.
PUT : http://community.lithium.com/community-name/api/2.0/users/2
"data": {
"type": "user",
"roles_to_add": ["t:ECMS 2"]
HEADERS: session key
Response: 403 forbidden
"status": "error",
"message": "Permission Denied",
"data": {
"type": "error_data",
"code": 414,
"developer_message": "UserRef[id=294] does not have access to RequiredPermissions[(allow_creation_of_external_badges)] on CommunityByDisplayIdRef[nodeType=StandardNodeType[nodeType=lithium.coreapi.community.ICommunity,entityTypeKey=EntityTypeKey[community],entityTypeUid=4,hashCode=1653728538],displayId=yuzje69629]",
"more_info": ""
"metadata": {}