Whats the exact difference between user_id and target_user_id?
Hi everyone,
There might be a very straight forward answer to this but what is the exact difference between user_id and target_user_id?
I understand the context when the events are message related like user A replying to user B will generate message.publish event where user_id will be A and target_user_id will be B or similarly for kudos.give event.
But I also encountered other events where this definition fails such as badges.award event or solutions.first_solution. where user_id is either null or its of the user the action is taken upon.
e.g. user B accepts user A answer as the solution. This triggers solutions.first_solution The data has both user_id and target_user_id as user A whereas user B triggered this event.
Is there a clear definition for all the action types what each of these columns would represent?