When boolean simply isn't true
I want to try if a board has a realized Tribal Knowledge Base attached to it using this freemarker code (second line is debug output):
<#assign tkb_present = rest("/boards/id/${coreNode.id}/tkb/realized").value /> tkb_present has the value "${tkb_present}". <#if tkb_present>
The debug line puts out:
tkb_present has the value "true".
But the if condition ist failing with a NonBooleanException:
Expecting a boolean (true/false) expression here Expression tkb_present does not evaluate to true/false it is an instance of freemarker.ext.dom.ElementModel
I tried to cast the type by appending "?boolean" but that's no Freemarker Built-in :(
What am I missing here?
Claudius wrote:I want to try if a board has a realized Tribal Knowledge Base attached to it using this freemarker code (second line is debug output):
<#assign tkb_present = rest("/boards/id/${coreNode.id}/tkb/realized").value /> tkb_present has the value "${tkb_present}". <#if tkb_present>
The debug line puts out:
tkb_present has the value "true".
But the if condition ist failing with a NonBooleanException:
Expecting a boolean (true/false) expression here Expression tkb_present does not evaluate to true/false it is an instance of freemarker.ext.dom.ElementModel
I tried to cast the type by appending "?boolean" but that's no Freemarker Built-in :(
What am I missing here?
after .value put ?eval and it will work correctly