Forum Discussion

Seva's avatar
10 years ago

When user is created via Rest API, no verification email is sent


When we create users automatically using API and providing their email addresses, no verification email is sent to them. So users have to go to their Settings and click "resend verification email". When users register in general way, the verification emails are sent normally. This is happening on production.


We need the verification emails to be sent when users are created through API. Is there any way to accomplish this?





1 Reply

  • PaoloT's avatar
    Lithium Alumni (Retired)
    10 years ago

    Hi Seva 


    I believe verification e-mails are not sent for users created via REST. I believe the reasoning here is that the system managing the registration would handle that step rather than Lithium.


    If this is a problem, you could use a workaround as described here.


    Hope this helps!