Forum Discussion

tcarter's avatar
12 years ago

Where to find site text?

I am designing our mobile template so it is the same on Lithium as it is on our main web site and the Rightnow Support site.  On Rightnow, the footer text links say "Full Site" and  "Log In", but on Lithium they say "Version: Mobile | Full" and "Sign In".  I've looked all over the place in Studio but cannot find any database or variable that holds these texts so I can reword them.


On a related note, I also need to reword some template texts for when users go to our Chinese forums, and have a dynamic way to switch to alternate language texts in the mobile template.  Is there a Content Management tool somewhere that I'm missing?

Any help would be appreciated.


  • Hi Tom,


    You should be able to use Lithium Studio to find and change text key values.  If you go to the "Advanced" sub-tab of the "Text Editor" tab in Studio, there is a button named "show text keys" -- if you click that, it will show text keys instead of the text key values, so if you refresh the page and look at the footer, you should find the text keys you need to override.  You can then override those text keys using either the "Community Text" or "Custom Text" sub-tabs of the "Text Editor" tab in Studio.


    I'm not sure what you mean by "template texts", but you should be able to do most localization you need in the "Text Editor" tab in Studio.  One caveat to note is that if you are overriding text keys that have arguments (that have {0}, {1}, etc. in them), there is no way to customize what values get passed in for these arguments.



  • DougS's avatar
    Khoros Oracle

    Hi Tom,


    You should be able to use Lithium Studio to find and change text key values.  If you go to the "Advanced" sub-tab of the "Text Editor" tab in Studio, there is a button named "show text keys" -- if you click that, it will show text keys instead of the text key values, so if you refresh the page and look at the footer, you should find the text keys you need to override.  You can then override those text keys using either the "Community Text" or "Custom Text" sub-tabs of the "Text Editor" tab in Studio.


    I'm not sure what you mean by "template texts", but you should be able to do most localization you need in the "Text Editor" tab in Studio.  One caveat to note is that if you are overriding text keys that have arguments (that have {0}, {1}, etc. in them), there is no way to customize what values get passed in for these arguments.



    • tcarter's avatar

      Thank you!  Your suggestions led me to the correct area and I was able to figure out how to enter custom variables for the content I needed to rename as well as translate for the Chinese portion of our site.

      Although the  "Show text keys" didn't work.  When I activated that, it only replaced all links within Studio itself with text keys, but refreshing my Lithium Staging site did not show any difference.   But I was able to use the Search under Community Text and found the keys I needed to edit.

      Thanks again.
