Forum Discussion

Inactive User's avatar
Inactive User
8 years ago

Where to find the "topic-message" component quilt? (GroupMessagePage)

Trying to figure out where to modify the Group Message display. There's the GroupMessagePage.quilt.xml, but within that there is 


  <add to="main-content">
    <component id="topic-message"/>
    <component id="reply-list"/>

I don't see any quilt for "topic-message". 


Anyone point me in the right direction? SuzieH?

  • Inactive User's avatar
    Inactive User
    8 years ago

    Looks like I couldn't find it because I'm using SDK and I hadn't modified that yet ... it's GroupTopicMessage.quilt.xml at 5/bizapps/bizappspage/tab/community%3Astudio%3Apage-editor?page=GroupTopicMessage

    It also has a component that's confusingly named Body Signature Highlight Escalation, or in xml:


    <component id="body-signature-highlight-escalation" useControlHighlightText="true"/>


    That's literally the message body + signature + highlight + escalation all crammed together in one component. 

1 Reply

  • Inactive User's avatar
    Inactive User
    8 years ago

    Looks like I couldn't find it because I'm using SDK and I hadn't modified that yet ... it's GroupTopicMessage.quilt.xml at 5/bizapps/bizappspage/tab/community%3Astudio%3Apage-editor?page=GroupTopicMessage

    It also has a component that's confusingly named Body Signature Highlight Escalation, or in xml:


    <component id="body-signature-highlight-escalation" useControlHighlightText="true"/>


    That's literally the message body + signature + highlight + escalation all crammed together in one component.