Hi, yes this works great, thanks.
If anyone else is interested, this is the component I made:
<#assign msg_id_check = page.context.message.uniqueId />
<#assign msg_id_check2 = msg_id_check?string>
<#assign messagebody = rest("messages/id/${msg_id_check2}/body").value />
<#assign messagebody2 = messagebody?replace("</?[^>]*(>|$)|&(nbsp;?|#?[0-9A-Za-z]*$)", " ", "r")?replace("\\s+", " ", "r") />
<#assign messagebody3 = messagebody2?trim?split(" ")?size />
I then applied some CSS to the <p> tag to pretty much hide the word count so only I can see it but you should be pretty set to go.
Thanks again,