Knowledge Base Article

About Aurora Accepted Solutions

Moderators or members who post the first message in a forum discussion can mark one of the replies as an accepted solution. After a solution is accepted, the original message is marked as solved, and the reply is marked as a solution. Marking a reply as an accepted solution helps communities identify content that solves members’ problems and makes helpful material more prominent and easy to access.


  • A discussion can have only one solution.
  • When you migrate from Community Classic to Aurora, all accepted solutions are retained, including cases in which multiple solutions were marked. However, after migration, you cannot mark any other reply as a solution. To do that, you must first revoke the existing accepted solutions.

Set accepted solution permissions

By default, administrators and moderators are granted permission to manage accepted solutions. The only other member who can accept a reply as a solution or revoke the acceptance is the original author who posted the question or issue. For example, the member might find another solution later on with more complete information.

For more information, see:

Updated 9 months ago
Version 6.0
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