Knowledge Base Article

About Aurora badge rules and supported criteria

For each community badge you want to create, you must define the rule that determines how a member achieves or receives the badge. For simpler rules, you can use the built-in tool that enables you to select a criterion and additional qualifiers.

However, if you want a more complex rule for a badge, you can use the Advanced Editor to enter badge formulas. Badge formulas include a combination of a formula clause type, a keyword, an operator, and a value. When the calculation of a value in a formula returns a true result, the member achieves the badge. The badge achievement is then reflected in their profile and badges page.

To create more complex badge rule expressions that require multiple rules be met before awarding a badge, you can use the “AND” operator.

Common use cases for badges with multiple rule criteria include profile completion tasks and more complex engagement options. For example, you may want to award a “VIP Contributor” badge to members who:

  • Have received at least 100 likes
  • Have had at least 25 answers marked as Accepted Solutions
  • Have posted at least 10 blog articles

Tip: You can also use community roles as an additional requirement for any badges based on activity. By taking advantage of the “unlocking” game dynamic, you can set certain badges to be earnable only after a community member has reached a rank that grants them the required role.

Create a complex badge rule

  1. Go to Settings > Users > Badges.
  2. To add a rule to a badge in an existing badge set, click the name of the badge set that contains the desired badge and then click Add Badge. Otherwise, create a new badge set where you want the badge with complex rules to live (see Create badge sets and badges).
  3. After entering the badge Name, Description, and Icon, in the Criteria drop-down menu, select Advanced Editor.
  4. In the Advanced Editor field, enter your custom badge rules. Enter each rule you want met (making sure that each rule has an identifier, operator, and value). Enter AND between each rule.
  5. Select the Hide from member profile until earned checkbox to ensure that the badge is displayed on member profiles only when the rules are met.
  6. Click Add Badge.

Let’s say you want to create a badge for new members to encourage them to begin participating in the community. You might create a rule like this: 

metric.net_overall_threads >= 5 AND metric.net_kudos_weight_received >= 20 AND metric.net_accepted_solutions >= 3

This complex rule may be great for a badge that rewards users for creating new content with great quality. Feel free to use this example for your own community!

Note: You cannot create complex rules with OR or NOT.

Supported badge clauses and badge criteria

A badge formula can include one of five types of clauses depending on the type of behavior you want to reward. You can chain rules together to create complex criteria using these clause types:

  • Metric: Assigns a badge based on the value of a specific community activity recorded for each member.
  • Member in role: Assigns a badge to a set of members based on community-level roles.
  • User ID in set: Assigns a badge to a manually specified set of members based on their numeric user ID. This should be reserved for awarding rare badges to a small group of members.
  • Non-Default profile setting value: Assigns badges based on members changing the default state of a specific setting or profile field on their member profiles.
  • Specific profile setting value: Assigns badges based on the member changing a setting in their profile to a specific value. (For example, you could award a badge when a member sets their profile language to French.)

Clause Type

Clause Format (variables in bold)


metric.name_of_metric >= number
Example: metric.net_accepted_solutions >= 1

Roles in ['role']
Example: in ['Administrator', 'Khoros'] 

User ID in [id]
Example: in [10, 2, 5] 

Non-default profile setting

setting.setting_key != 'default'
Example: setting.profile.location != 'default' 

Profile setting value

setting.setting_key = '[value]'
Example: setting.profile.location = 'Argentina'­

Rewarding user activity using metrics

For definitions of exactly what these metrics are, refer to these Aurora Analytics Metrics Definitions.

The following member activity metrics are supported for use in a badge formula using the format: metric.name_of_metric >= [number]

Accepted Solutions


All Content Types










Images and video




Message views






Rewarding specific members

You can award badges to a specific group of members based on their role or user ID. Since you can’t edit a rule after you create the badge, we recommend using roles as the basis of your rule criteria. That way, if you need to add or remove members later, you can modify the member list for the role independent of the badge rule criteria.

Important: If you want members to be notified (via email or real-time notifications) of a role-based badge, you must roll out the badge first and then add the role for that member. If the member already has the role before the badge is published, the member will not be notified.

Keep in mind: Newly created badges are automatically applied to all members who already match the criteria, resulting in email notifications being sent out to community members depending on your badge notification settings. You need to coordinate such badge releases with Khoros to avoid a surge of emails being sent out to the community members, which can impact your community performance.

Use single quotes around the role name. Use commas if you enter more than one. For example, to award a badge to all members with the “Admin” or “Moderator” role, enter this rule criterion: in [‘Admin’, ‘Moderator’]

You should use "user ID in set" in badge criteria only if you have a static, unchanging list of specific members. This clause type should be used only in special cases to award badges for one-time achievements. Otherwise, you’ll need to delete and recreate the badge each time you want to add another member’s user ID to the rule. 

Use commas if you enter more than one. For this case, use this format: in [10,2,5] 

Rewarding profile completion

You can use the profile setting below to create badges that reward members for filling out more information about themselves in their profile. These settings can all be used with the "Non-default profile settings" clause.

Profile setting identifier

Setting name

Setting location


First Name

My Settings > Personal


Last Name

My Settings > Personal



My Settings > Personal



My Settings > Personal > Bio


Personal Site

My Settings > Personal


Note: To award a badge when a member changes their default avatar image, use this syntax:

avatar_changed = true


My Settings > Personal > Edit

Rewarding date-based activity

You can award badges based on date-based activities.

Setting identifier

Setting options


consecutive sign-ins


setting.user.max_consecutive_logins >= 2



registration_date > "2015-01-01"

(see supported syntax options below)


time value in days, months, or years

time_since_registration >= "1 years"



signin_date > "2015-01-01"

(see supported syntax options below)

About sign-in related activity

We store a counter of the number of days in a row and the last sign-in time.
When someone signs in, we get the date of the last increment and the date of today, and we count the days between.

  • If < 1, we ignore it (so no gaming the system).
  • If == 1, we increment the day counter.
  • If > 1, we set the day counter to 0.

About entering dates

You can enter dates (which must be in quotes) in all formats supported by ISO 8061:


      YYYY (eg 1997)

   Year and month:

      YYYY-MM (eg 1997-07)

   Complete date:

      YYYY-MM-DD (eg 1997-07-16)

   Complete date plus hours and minutes:

      YYYY-MM-DDThh:mmTZD (eg 1997-07-16T19:20+01:00)

   Complete date plus hours, minutes and seconds:

      YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssTZD (eg 1997-07-16T19:20:30+01:00)

   Complete date plus hours, minutes, seconds and a decimal fraction of a second

      YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sTZD (eg 1997-07-16T19:20:30.45+01:00)


    YYYY = four-digit year

     MM   = two-digit month (01=January, etc.)

     DD   = two-digit day of month (01 through 31)

     hh   = two digits of hour (00 through 23) (am/pm NOT allowed)

     mm   = two digits of minute (00 through 59)

     ss   = two digits of second (00 through 59)

     s    = one or more digits representing a decimal fraction of a second

     TZD  = time zone designator (Z or +hh:mm or -hh:mm)

Note: When an ISO 8601 date doesn't specify a time zone, it is considered to represent local time. We do not override the local time zone for this purpose, so the date is parsed from the badge clause based on the server's local time zone. So that will differ depending on the AWS region:

  • US-West-2 (PST)
  • EU-West-1 (CET)

To prevent confusion on the Internet, date strings (for example, in badge clauses) may specify a time zone.

Related topics:

Updated 30 days ago
Version 6.0


  • trying to award one-time badge to ~350 users using Advanced Criteria > in [id1, id2, id3] etc and I get this error.

    I went through all the syntax issues (spaces, commas, hidden chars, etc) and it works in stage with only 3 samples but fails when 350.
    Trimming down the quantity in chunks until it worked...I had 117 records.

    Is there some max on that criteria?
    I think I will pivot to using the role-based criteria for now and see whether I get that working sooner or if I hear back on this sooner.

  • Is it possible to use date based activity with an activity based badge? We have an existing community with a lot of registered members and I would like to start issuing badges for activities, but only for activity starting today. In my tests on Stage as soon as I add an activity based badge it is automatically awarded to members who have completed the activity already. If I do this on our production community it will trigger notifications + emails to thousands of registered members.

  • sleslie99's avatar
    29 days ago

    Were you able to complete this? I want to add manual badges to some members who have completed certification in another environment (Litmus) which is not yet integrated. I have 2 badges- expert and professional and they will be manually assigned to a set of members. It looks like I would use this userid in set approach but dont see the actual criteria I need to enter into the admin panel. ty

  • Lief's avatar
    28 days ago

    yeah sleslie99 - I finished it by using a Role based approach because I couldn't figure out what was wrong with the manual approach. LarryI might have some insight - he was going to look at my criteria.

    It will work UNLESS you hit whatever snag I hit.
    The Manual Add (with in [#, #, #] ) you have to choose Advanced Editor from the criteria field.

    The Badge Rules and Criteria document on this shows two syntaxes. I think they both work?

    • one with spaces - in [num, num, num]
    • one without spaces - in [num,num,num]

    IMO - make sure to choose Hide from Member Profile until earned, else it'll show up greyed out on everyones profile.


  • Lief's avatar
    28 days ago

    one place shows this (with spaces)

    the other example shows this (no spaces)


  • sleslie99's avatar
    27 days ago

    Weird I tried this it looked great then I realized it applied to ALL community members not just the ones I added to the user group 'top contributors'. 


    what did I do wrong???? 

    LOL FIXED IT- once again you are a saviour. I freaked out that it applied to all then realized that I had to select that button and HIT REFRESH. 

    So problem solved- thank you Lief 

  • when you specific USER.ID IN [ set ] you are specifying a user precisely. It doesn't regard any group or anything.
    In your image it shows the 3 users identified (in the CSV you could download) as having received that badge.
    So you did "that thing" right. And it appears to have done exactly "the thing" you specified - but maybe that's not "the thing" you want. :D

    Maybe explain what you want to accomplish more in depth?

    (...I deleted a bunch of supposition and speculation I was solving for based on assumptions that may/may not be true)

  • Lief's avatar
    27 days ago

    I don't think so GlennD - completed activity (like visit, like, join, etc) PLUS a > date isn't something I was able to achieve previously.
    beyond sign-in and registration.

    I hope to be wrong on this someday...starting anytime.