Knowledge Base Article

Aurora: Create and edit badge sets and badges

In Aurora communities, admins can categorize a group of related badges into a badge set. These can either progress in difficulty (such as an increasing number of likes received) or relate in another way (such as likes received, accepted solutions, and posted content rolling up into one overall achievement). After creating a badge set, admins can add badges to it. As members earn badges in a set, they can view which badges they’ve earned, and if designated by an admin, which badges they have yet to earn.

Create a badge set

Badge sets enable you to group your related badges together. You can also set which badge sets you want to feature on the member profile, which is useful if you have a large number of badge sets.

To create a badge set:

  1. Go to Settings > Users > Badges.
  2. Click Add Set.
  3. On the Add Set window, enter a Name for the set.
  4. Click Add Set.
  5. Add badges to the set as needed.
  6. Reorder badges using the drag and drop functionality.
  7. (Optional) To feature a particular badge set on member profiles, go to the main Badges page and click the Feature (star) icon. The most recently achieved badge earned within this set is shown.
    Note: You can feature 5 badge sets at one time.
  8. Reorder badge sets using the drag and drop functionality. If you do not feature any badge sets, the order of the badge sets determines the badges that appear on the member profile. The most recently earned badge in up to 5 badge sets appears.

Create a badge

When you create a badge, it belongs to a set of related badges. Using the Criteria field, you determine the requirements needed to earn the badge.

To create a badge:

  1. Go to Settings > Users > Badges.
  2. Click the name of the set where you want to add the badge or create a new badge set.
  3. Click Add Badge.
  4. On the Add Badge window, enter the Name of the badge.
  5. (Optional) Enter a Description for the badge.
  6. Upload an Icon for the badge.
    • SVG or PNG format is required.
    • For best results, use a square image with 240px minimum dimensions.
  7. To begin building rules for this badge, in the Criteria drop-down menu, select a criterion:
    • Requirement builder: To create requirements guided by predefined metrics, select an option other than Roles or Advanced Editor. Then, when another field, such as Number of times, appears, enter a value.
      • For example, to award members who receive 25 likes, in the Criteria menu, select Likes received, and enter 25 as the Number of times.
    • Roles: To award this badge to members with specific roles, search for the applicable role and select it from the list.
    • Advanced EditorEnter the formula you want to use for the badge.
      Note: You cannot edit badge Criteria after saving the badge.
  8. Select the Hide from member profile until earned checkbox to hide the badge from member profiles until it is earned. If you do not select this checkbox, members can view this badge in gray until it is earned, when it will gain color.
  9. (Optional) To download a CSV file of all members who have been awarded this badge, click Download CSV on the Edit Badge window.
  10. Click Add Badge.

Edit an existing badge set

After you’ve created a badge set, there may be circumstances in which you want to manage the badges that are included within it or change the name of the set.

  1. Go to Settings > Users > Badges.
  2. Expand the badge set you want to edit by clicking its name.
  3. Complete the following as needed:
    • To manage the set name, click Edit Set and edit the Name field.
    • To add more badges to the set, click Add Badge.
    • To move a badge from one set to another, ensure that the set to which you want to move it is also expanded, and then drag and drop the badge to the desired location in the destination badge set.
    • To delete a badge from the set and from your community, hover your cursor over the row of the badge you want to delete, open the Options menu, and click Delete.

Edit an existing badge

After a badge has been added, the Criteria field and related values cannot be modified. If you need to manage the criteria for a badge, you must delete the badge and recreate it with the new criteria.

Otherwise, you can edit the Name, Description, and Icon and change your selection for the Hide from member profile until earned checkbox.

To manage these settings:

  1. Go to Settings > Users > Badges.
  2. Click the badge set name to expand the badge set containing the badge you want to edit.
  3. Hover your cursor over the row of the badge you want to edit and open the Options menu.
  4. Click Edit.
  5. Change settings as desired.
  6. (Optional) To download a CSV file of all members who have been awarded this badge, click Download CSV.
  7. Click Save Changes.

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Updated 9 months ago
Version 5.0
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