Knowledge Base Article

Aurora: Enable Content Workflow for Knowledge Bases and Blogs (admin)

The content workflow process enables you to create high-quality and engaging content quickly and seamlessly. Granular control over author, editor, and publisher permissions enables you to prescribe who can perform each task in the publishing workflow. 

Each KB article or blog post moves through different publishing states and is assigned to members with specific roles. This way, members know what state an article is in, when it’s their turn to work on it, and what they must do to move the article to the next step in the publishing workflow.

Enable Content Workflow

  1. Login to the community as Admin.
  2. Click your profile name and on the dropdown menu click Settings
    The Settings page opens.

  3. Click Content Features
    The Features page opens.

  4. Enable the Content Workflow option      


Your community's KB articles and blog posts are now set to follow the Content Workflow process. 

Roles and permissions

After you enable the feature as mentioned in the above section, you can see that the default roles to facilitate content workflow are added.



BlogAuthor and KB Author: Can start and edit blog posts and KB articles respectively.

BlogEditor or KBEditor: Can edit on blog posts and KB articles that are in the Awaiting Review state, respectively. They can send articles back to the BlogAuthor or KBAuthor if there are changes required or can forward the article to the BlogPublisher or KBPublisher for publication. 

BlogPublisher or KBPublisher: Can approve and publish articles that are in the Awaiting Publication state or send the article back to the BlogEditor or KBEditor, respectively if additional changes are needed.

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Updated 8 months ago
Version 5.0
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