Knowledge Base Article

Aurora: Integrate Zoom with Community Events

Integrating Zoom with your Community Events enables you to offer real-time user engagement from within the community. 

With Events, you can host both Zoom Meetings and Zoom Webinars.

  • Zoom Meetings: All participants can share their screen, turn on their video and audio, and see who else is in attendance.
  • Zoom Webinars: Webinars enable view-only attendance. The host and any designated panelists can share their video, audio, and screen. Participants have the ability to interact via Q&A, Chat, and answer polling questions. The host can also unmute attendees. Attendees in webinars cannot rename themselves.

Participants can join a meeting on your website without having the Zoom app. 

Authorize Zoom 

To host Zoom calls within the Events feature, we use the Zoom App SDK. To integrate Zoom with Community Events, you must manually specify your organization's Client ID and Client Secret values in the Community Admin panel. These values are encrypted and stored in Khoros’ database.  


  • We recommend that you create an admin account in Zoom. During authorizing Zoom in the community, you must sign in with the same account to grant access to the Zoom event. Note that the Zoom app can be unpublished.
  • Generate the Client ID and Client Secret from the Zoom SDK App. Learn more about how to generate Client ID and Client Secret from the Zoom SDK App.
  • Add the follwoing to the Scope in the Zoom App Marketspace:
    Meeting scopes:

    Webinar scopes: (QandA and chat options also come up with just below scopes)


  • In the Zoom SDK App, you must specify your community's redirect URL in Redirect URL for Oath and Oath Allow list fields.
    Sample redirect URL format: 

https://<community hostname>/t5/s/community name/api/2.1/zoom/oauth2callback

Admins can manually enter and delete the Zoom Client ID and secret key values in the community’s Admin Settings, which are encrypted and stored in Khoros’ database.

To authorize Zoom:

  1. Sign in as an Admin of the community.
  2. Open the Account menu.
  3. Select Settings.
    The Settings page opens.
  4. Select Content Features.
  5. Select Events.
  6. Beside Zoom integration, select Integrate.


    A window to enter Zoom's Client ID and Client secret opens.
  7. Enter the Client ID and Client secret.
  8. Select Configure.
    You may be asked to sign in to the Zoom app. After you sign in, you are redirected to the settings page. If the integration is successful, a success message appears.

    The Zoom integration is successful when you see the Remove button.

To remove the Zoom Integration:

  1. Sign in as an Admin of the community.
  2. Open the Account menu.
  3. Select Settings.
    The Settings page opens.
  4. Select Content Features.
  5. Select Events.
  6. Beside Zoom integration, select Remove. 
    The Zoom integration is removed and the button changes back to Integrate.


Related topics:

Updated 22 days ago
Version 7.0


  • When a user registers for a zoom meeting or marks "interested", is this information sent back to zoom? or just kept natively in Khoros?

  • LauraV's avatar
    Khoros Staff
    4 months ago

    At this time, the "Interested" button is for tracking only within the community and nothing is sent to Zoom, although there may be more options surrounding this functionality in a future release.