Knowledge Base Article

Aurora: Member metrics for ranking formulas

You can include any per-member metrics in your ranking formulas. However, you cannot use per-post metrics or metrics that relate to general areas of the community, like groups.

You can include any of the following member metrics as variables in your ranking formulas.

Note: This is not a complete list but rather a list of the more common member metrics that you may consider using in your formulas.

Accepted solutions 


The member’s total number of accepted solutions. This number includes any accepted solutions that might have been revoked. See also net_accepted_solutions.


The member’s total number of solutions that were accepted during a period minus those that were revoked during the same period.


The member’s total accepted solutions to someone else’s question minus those that were revoked during the same period.


The member’s total accepted solutions to the member’s own questions minus those that were revoked.


The total number of solutions accepted by the author.


The total number of solutions that were revoked by the question's author.


The total number of posts written by any member that were marked by a moderator as solutions. You can view this metric for specific moderators or for all moderators.


The number of times a moderator has revoked an accepted solution.


The number of solved discussions started by a member minus the number of solved discussions started by the same member or that were revoked. This is the net change in the number of solved discussions started by this member.                                                                

net_solved_threads_to_net_threads ratio

The number of net solved discussions divided by the number of net discussions.

Note: This ratio is not cumulative; it covers activity only during the period selected. The longer the period, the more useful this metric is likely to be.


The number of times solutions written by any member were later revoked.


The number of times the member has marked a post as a solution.


The number of times the member has revoked a post marked as a solution.


The number of times discussions written by any member have been marked as solved.


The member’s total number of solutions to someone else’s questions that were accepted by anyone in the community.


The member’s total number of solutions to someone else’s question that were revoked.


The member’s total number of accepted solutions that were revoked.


The member’s total number of solutions to the member’s own questions that were accepted by anyone in the community.


The member’s total number of solutions to the member’s own questions that were revoked.


Blog activity


The number of times a member has viewed blog-related pages.


The number of times a member has viewed blog articles.


The number of articles a member has posted to blogs.


The number of comments that a member has posted to blogs.


General community activity


The number of times the member has signed in to the community.


The total number of minutes the member has been logged in to the community.


The number of videos a member has successfully uploaded to the community.


The total number of images a member has uploaded to the community regardless of their size.


Content metrics


The total number of discussion posts—both new discussions and replies—the member has posted. This includes any posts that have been deleted. You may want to calculate the net number of posts by subtracting deleted posts. See also deleted_posts.


The overall number of posts across all types of content (forums, blogs, etc.)

Metric results for custom date ranges reflect the time zone defined in your profile. Administrators who have set a different time zone in their profile see different metrics results for these custom date ranges.


The number of replies to content the member has posted. This includes any replies that have been deleted. You may want to calculate the net number of replies by subtracting deleted replies.


The total number of new discussions the member has started. This includes any discussions that have been deleted. You may want to calculate the net number of discussions by subtracting deleted ones.


The total number of posts a member posted divided by the number of discussions the member started during the same time interval.


The number of the member’s posts that have been deleted.


The number of discussions the member has started that were also deleted.


The number of contributed or linked posts minus the number of contributed or linked posts removed.


Tagging activity


The average number of tags the member has applied across all posts.


The total number of tags the member has applied.


KB activity


The number of KB articles a member has published.


The number of KB articles a member has started.


The number of comments a member has posted to a KB.


The number of posts that a member has made that have been nominated to be included in a KB.


Viewing metrics


The number of times a member viewed the overview page for a forum.


The number of posts the member has viewed.


The number of community pages the member has viewed.




The number of times this author's posts have received Likes.


The number of times this author's Likes have been revoked.


The number of times this author's posts have received Likes minus the number of times this author's Likes have been revoked.


The sum of the Likes weight for this author's posts that have received Likes.


The sum of the Likes weight for this author's posts that have had Likes revoked.


The number of times this member gave Likes.


The number of times Likes given by this member were revoked.


The number of times this member gave Likes minus the times Likes given by this member were revoked.


The sum of the Likes weight for Likes this member gave.


The sum of Likes given minus the sum of Likes that were revoked. Likes here are measured by the net Likes weight for this member.


The sum of Likes this author received minus the sum of Likes that were revoked. Likes here are measured by the net Likes weight for this member.


In addition to the member metrics, you can add these special variables in your ranking formulas.


Overall knowledge base contribution score.


The number of minutes since the member registered in the community.


The numeric ID associated with a member account.

userInfo Include a custom field that is present on your user entity.

Related topics:

Updated 5 months ago
Version 13.0


  • HAHA You ever ask a question and then find the answer yourself shortly after?? I feel like that is my life every time. The ranking formulas shared by LarryI above actually has a metric for autospam. Now I just have to plug it in and play a little to get it to work as I hope it does. That is if that metric still woks for Aurora. :) 


  • I'm a little late to this party, but I was also thinking of a ranking rule that could put a person who's systematically marked as spam into a "timeout" type role, so that they aren't allowed to even try posting 3, 5, or 156 times... I'm not sure what a post is "marked" as when it's flagged spam but I assume it's something similar to deleted_posts. Or is the spam folder a hidden folder? Then this type of role would be based on a posts in a given category. I don't see that option here, but it could be another way to enhance and personalize gamification, too. If you have boards for different products and someone posts a lot of replies that are marked best answer on a specific board, they could be marked "SME of snowboarding!" or "Master Marketer" or whatever, based on the board topic of course. 

    I guess to summarize, I would love to see a

    • Metric for ranking around posts marked spam to create a boolean rule like (post_spam>=1) assigns a "Timeout" rank. That rank is tied to a Role that has just about every permission marked as deny. Moderators and above would review that Role/Rank to either move forward with a ban or release the timeout after predetermined criteria are met. 
    • Metric for ranking based on location of post to recognize and incentivize activity in individual boards and enhance gamification. 
  • LarryI's avatar
    Khoros Expert
    7 months ago

    eshin For banned users, we don't have a metric exposed to use in the ranking formulas. We are planning to make enhancements to the ranking formulas in the future, so we will consider that.

    These are the most commonly used metrics. We have a larger set of metrics outlined in this document, many of which can be used in ranking formulas:

    As part of the enhancements we plan to make for ranking formulas in the future, we will be updating this so please stay tuned.

  • hi LauraV  LarryI  

    Is there a complete list to this? Is there a way to write a formula for a banned user? 

  • LarryI's avatar
    Khoros Expert
    8 months ago

    Ursula Should look exactly like this: userId == 1

    Let me know if that doesn't work for you?

  • How would a formula granting a rank for userId look like? Whatever I try it doesn't seem to do it.