Knowledge Base Article

Aurora: Enable languages in your community

From Designer, you can define which languages are used in your community. You can also set which language to use by default. English is set as the default language for all new communities.

Note: At this time, the available languages are English, Spanish, French, and Japanese. More languages will be added in a future release.

To enable additional languages in your community:

  1. Open the Account menu and go to Designer > Community Text.
  2. In the row of Enabled languages, click Edit.
  3. Use the Add language drop-down menu to select languages you want to be available in your community.As you select languages, they appear in the Enabled languages list above the Add language menu. Click Remove beside a language in that list to remove languages you no longer need.
  4. (Optional) If you want to set a language other than English as the default, in the row of that language in the Enabled languages list, click Set as Default.
  5. Click Save.
Updated 6 months ago
Version 7.0


  • Are we going to be able to set the default language per (top level) category, too, like we are able to do in Khoros Classic Community now? This is crucial for multi-language communities.

  • LauraV's avatar
    Khoros Staff
    2 years ago

    Claudius Yes, setting a language for a node/category will be available in a future release!

  • Thanks for confirming. That's great to hear. Looking forward to see this landing so that international communities can consider Aurora, too.

  • When using other enabled languages, does this mean that the language on the forum will be translated from the default to that language? 

  • NickH's avatar
    Khoros Staff
    2 years ago

    Enabling languages in the community means that the language translation keys will be added to the instance and that language will now be selectable in settings and preferences. The product text keys will all be translated for those enabled languages. Note: This will not translate user generated content via a translation service, that will likely be an integration in a future release on the content itself.

    Once multiple languages are enabled:

    The user will be able to set a preferred language in their settings and use that language throughout the site. 

    We will also detect the locale of the user via browser and OS settings and can set a preferred language for their session that way.

    What we are working on now is:

    • Languages can be mapped to a top level category meant for that community members speaking that language and automatic redirects can be set up to direct users to that category based on detected language settings
    • An option will be added to the navigation bar to list out the enabled languages. When a user selects a language, they will be taken to the corresponding top level category for that language.
      • We're exploring another option of using this selector to change the users language setting and keep them where they are with an option to navigate to the category for that language.

    Note: This is still work in progress and design details will likely change. 



  • What is the full-list of languages that Khoros Aurora will be supporting?

    For example: FR-CA