Forum Discussion

vamshi9666's avatar
5 years ago

time constraint in v2 json query

i am trying to get occasions with ```end_time``` constraint using "GET" /search/2.0 query as follows: 


  var liql = "SELECT  body, cover_image, subject,, occasion_data.location FROM messages where occasion_data.end_time >= " + currentDate
                url: '/api/2.0/search?q=' + liql,
                dataType: 'json',
                method: 'GET',
                contentType: "application/json",
            }).then(function(response) {


with this way, i am able to get data but nested queries can't be achieved. 

To do so , i tried json based query as follows : 


  var jsonQuery = [{
                messages: {
                    fields: ["occasion_data""body""cover_image""subject"],
                    constraints: [{
                        "occasion_data.end_time": {
                            ">=": new Date().toISOString()


but this time time constraints wont work and throw error. 

  • I solved this by using converting time value into unix timestrap format by



    updated query looks like : 


     var currentDate =
     var liql = "SELECT  body, cover_image, subject,, occasion_data.location FROM messages where occasion_data.end_time >= " + currentDate
                var jsonQuery = [{
                    messages: {
                        fields: ["occasion_data""body""cover_image""subject"""],
                        constraints: [{
                            "occasion_data.end_time": {
                                ">=": currentDate


1 Reply

  • I solved this by using converting time value into unix timestrap format by



    updated query looks like : 


     var currentDate =
     var liql = "SELECT  body, cover_image, subject,, occasion_data.location FROM messages where occasion_data.end_time >= " + currentDate
                var jsonQuery = [{
                    messages: {
                        fields: ["occasion_data""body""cover_image""subject"""],
                        constraints: [{
                            "occasion_data.end_time": {
                                ">=": currentDate
