Knowledge Base Article

Aurora: Create a group

You must have the Create groups permission to create a group. This permission enables a member to create a group with a single Forum. To create a group with the remaining content types, members also need Add any community-supported boards permission. A group can contain one child node of each content type supported in the community.

  • Create a group in the Community UI
  • Create a group in Community Settings

Only Community Administrators can create groups. An Administrator can create a group in Community Settings or in the Community UI. Group Owners can edit group settings after a group is created. See Edit group settings for instructions.

When you create a group, you define the following:

  • Group Name: A display title within the community for the group.
  • Group ID: An identification string that will be used for the URL of the group, as well as other back-end functions.
  • Description: Brief overview of the purpose of the group.
  • Boards (Content Types): The content types to include in the group. There can be one instance of each content type in the group.
  • Membership Type: The membership type controls access to the group. You can change the membership type of a group later if needed. Membership types are:
    • Open: Non-members can browse all content and can also reply to existing content. Members can create new content as well as browse and reply to existing content.
    • Closed: Non-members do not have any read or reply rights for closed groups. Members can create new content as well as browse and reply to existing content.
    • Hidden: This type is invite-only and completely hidden within the community structure and cannot be searched. Accessing the URL if you are not a member (or invited) results in an error page.
  • Avatar: Allows you to upload an avatar for the group. This will be used for out-of-the-box components to represent the group. We recommend square or circle-shaped images, at least 500 x 500px.

Create a group in the Community UI

To create a group in the Community UI, click the Create Group button to open the creation page.

To create a group in the Community UI:

  1. Ensure that the Create Group Button has been added to a community page.
  2. Go to the respective page and click Create Group.
  3. Enter the Name of the group.
  4. (Optional) Enter a Description for the group.
  5. Under Avatar, click Add to browse and select an avatar for the group (or use the default group avatar). We recommend square or circle-shaped images having at least 500 x 500px size.
  6. Select the Membership type for the group: Open, Closed, or Hidden.
  7. Select at least one Board (content type) to include in the group.
    Note: The ability to define the required child nodes in a group is granted by the Create all supported boards permission. This permission is granted only to Community Administrators by default.
  8. Optionally, set a display name for each board. Otherwise, each child board in the group will inherit the name of the group.
  9. Click Create.
    New open and closed groups appear to all community members as out-of-the-box components. New hidden groups appear only to members of hidden groups.

Create a group in Community Settings

Community Administrators can create a group in Community Settings. The group Owner can edit the group details using the Community UI. See Edit group settings for instructions.

To create a group in Community Settings:

  1. Go to Settings > Community Structure.
  2. Go to the section of the Community Structure where you want to add the group (at the top level of the Community, in a Category, or in a board).
  3. Hover your cursor over the node, click Add (plus icon), and select Group.
  4. Enter the display Name that will appear in the Community UI.
  5. Enter the Group ID.
  6. (Optional) Add a Description for the group.
    The description is used in the About Group widget and in the group card on the Groups page. Plain text and HTML are supported. The character limit is 10,000.
  7. (Optional) Under Avatar, click Add (plus icon), and select an Avatar for the group.
  8. Select the group Membership Type.
    See Group membership types to learn about the differences between the types.
  9. Select at least one Board type to include in the group.
  10. Click Save.
    The group appears in the Community Structure.

The newly created open and closed groups appear to all community members in out-of-the-box widgets. New hidden groups appear only to members of hidden groups.

Updated 9 months ago
Version 10.0
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