Knowledge Base Article

Aurora: Set events permissions

Events permission settings determine whether users can create, edit, or delete events. You can also moderate comments and manage who can comment on events.

To go to the default permissions for Event boards and events:

  1. Sign in as an Admin in your community.
  2. Open the Account menu.
  3. Go to Settings > Roles and Permissions > Community Permission Defaults
  4. Click Edit on the Community Permission Defaults pane.

     The page to view and edit community permissions opens.

    As shown below, you can see all the Events related permissions:


Note: These permissions can be set at the community level or at the node level.

Permission Enables Members to
Post new events post events on the community. Admins are granted this permission by default. 
Edit own events edit the events that they created.
Edit all events edit all the events created in the boards they have permission to. This permission is recommended for Admins.
Delete own events delete the events that they created.
Delete all events delete all the events created in the boards they have permission to. This permission is recommended for Admins. 
Comment on events comment on community events. All community members are granted this permission by default.
Edit own event comments
edit their comments on events. 
Edit all event comments
edit all comments provided to all community events. 
Delete own event comments delete the comments they provided to events. 
Delete all event comments delete all comments provided to all community events.


Permission to move events between Events Boards

You must have the Move content permission under the Content section to move an event to another Events board. 

After a successful move, the destination board's permissions govern the event's access.

Related Topics:  

Updated 6 months ago
Version 5.0
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