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Release Notes & Updates

Khoros Communities 21.2 Release Notes

AshaC's avatar
Khoros Staff
5 years ago

21.2 Release includes performance enhancements and a couple of new options for existing features.

Announcement: Community release cadence changes

In the spirit of ongoing iteration and improvement, Khoros is revising its release cadence for community releases. 

What is changing?

Khoros Communities is moving away from the 6-week release cadence that we rolled out last year and is moving back to the monthly release upgrade model, but with a twist

Instead of monthly releases paired up with an every other release upgrade model (like we used to do before the current 6-week model), we are adopting a monthly release schedule with a 100% upgrade target for all customers for every major release. 

Starting with the 21.2 Release, community releases will toggle between minor and major releases:

  • Major Release: Includes new and updated features and other significant updates to the community platform. Major releases will be rolled out to all customers.
  • Minor Releases: Include bug fixes, minor customer-specific changes, or minor tweaks to existing features. No major features will be released in a minor release. Occasionally, a minor release might include Beta or EA features. Minor releases can be rolled out to selected customers as necessary.

Major and minor releases are as follows:

  • Major: 21.2, 21.4, 21.5, 21.7, 21.9, 21.10, 21.12
  • Minor: 21.3, 21.6, 21.8, 21.11

Release Documentation

Product documentation (Release Notes, Knowledge Base articles, and Developer Documentation) will be published with every major release. 

We believe this new release model will improve quality and value in each release, increase the pace of innovation, and provide a better release upgrade experience for our customers. 

Thank you for being Khoros Community customers and for your willingness to adapt to these changes. Feedback and opinions are always welcome. You can engage here or with your TAM/CSM. We believe this will be a positive change and look forward to another year of building great customer experiences together.


Enhancements to Search Subscription Notifications settings

We’ve enhanced the Search Subscription Notifications experience. It notifies you if the search keyword that you set under Search Subscription appears in any posts or their comments/replies.

In the notification setting, you can choose to be notified when your search keyword appears in: 

  • Posts only: heading or content of the post or
  • Posts and Replies: heading/content/comments/replies of the post

This provides more control over the search subscription notifications, and you can define the scope of emails you receive that are relevant to your search keyword.

User Settings

Admin settings

Addition of sort option for Comment Syndication

With this release, you can now set a default sorting option to syndicate comments according to your preferred order of appearance into your external website. 

The default sort order is Newest to Oldest.

The code snippet that you generate to add to your external website has the sort-by parameter. This parameter accepts either of the two values -  date-desc/ date-asc. If you do not pass this parameter, it takes the default sort order.

Also, the maximum number of comments that you can view at a time on the external website is increased from 10 to 100.

Learn more about comment syndication.

Group Hubs feature updates

We've made the following enhancements to group hubs:

  • Default/configurable sort order My Group Hubs component
  • HTML support and longer descriptions for Node Information component
  • Sorting UI added to My Group Hubs page

Default/configurable sort order My Group Hubs component

The My Group Hubs component now sorts the list of group hubs in the component by last update activity by default. Actions considered an "update" are:

  • a new message is posted to the group hub
  • a message in the group hub is edited
  • a message is moved to the group hub
  • a message's moderation status is changed to approved

The sort order is configurable in Studio by setting the sort parameter in the XML view for the component. Note that the sort order is not maintained when the user clicks the View All icon (>) and navigates to the Group Hub Listing Page (GroupHubsPage.quilt.xml).

This example sets the sort order for the My Group Hubs component to the group hub’s creation date. 

<component id="" sort="creation_date"/>

Set the value of sort to one of the following values:

  • creation_date: Sort group hubs by the date the group hub was created.
  • depth: Sort results by the depth of the group hub. (The level at which the group hub appears in the community structure).
  • message_activity.core_property_change_time: Sort the results by the last update activity. Actions considered an "update" are:
    • a new message is posted to the group hub
    • a message in the group hub is edited
    • a message is moved to the group hub
    • a message's moderation status is changed to approved
  • messages.count: Sort results by message count (topics and replies).
  • position: Sort results by group hub position in the community hierarchy.
  • topics.count: Sort results by the count of topics in the group hub.
  • views: Sort results by the count of message views.

HTML support and longer descriptions for Node Information component

The Node Information Component and Group Hub card on the Group Hubs Listing page now properly renders HTML set in the node's Description field in Community Admin. In addition, the character limit of the Description field is now 10,000 characters.

Sorting UI added to My Group Hubs page

When a user selects the View All link (>) in the My Group Hubs component, the user navigates to the My Group Hubs page (GroupHubsPage.quilt.xml).  

We have added sort and filter options in the My Group Hubs page UI to help a user easily find specific group hubs, such as group hubs for whey they are Owners.

The user can:

  • search for a group hub by name.
  • sort by date joined, latest activity, and member count
  • filter by all, open, closed, and hidden group hubs
  • filter by the owner or member roles

You Found It. We Fixed It.

  • We’ve fixed the issue where there is no specific order in which the featured topics appeared. With this fix, the featured topics will list in the order of the post creation date in the Admin console, irrespective of the category/board they belong to.
  • We’ve fixed the issue where the Posted by and Classifier in the Spam Quarantine page are not clickable. You can now click these to view the user’s profile page.
  • We’ve fixed the issue where the count shown with the notification bell icon took time to load. It affected the load time of the page where it is present. Now, this count will load immediately after the page and its contents completely load. 
  • We’ve fixed the issue where the blog moderation page took too long to load if there are many messages that required moderation. The messages are now paginated with a default value of 100 messages per page.


Updated 9 months ago
Version 2.0